$1.5million for Belong to simplify making friends within cities

Introducing Belong! This Dubai-born social app simplifies making friends within cities by enabling users to seamlessly discover groups, events and people with similar interests. 

 And, they just secured an additional $1.5 million in funds in their pre-series A round!

  • Co-founded by Mike Askew and Matt Gaziano in 2019, this fresh investment brings the company's total capital raised to $3.5 million.

💰 Investor low-down: The round was led by undisclosed investors.

  • Back in January 2023, Belong raised $1 million in funding, $515,000 of which was raised in a crowdfunding campaign which brought in 57 new investors.

🏙 Ah, look at all the lonely people

Remember when social media’s raison d'être was to facilitate communication and allow people to genuinely connect with one another?

*drowns in ads, infinite video scroll, bad news, more ads, even more bad news*

Us neither. 

Ironically, a lot of them just aren't very social by design, leading to increased feelings of isolation rather than connection.

🎵 We’re all in this together

Recognising the challenges adults face in making friends, Belong streamlines adult friendship-building, bridging online interactions to real-life meetups and helping users explore cities and find like-minded individuals.

Sum up the priority: building real friendships over accumulating likes and followers.

 🌃 Flashforward

The company will use the fresh round of funding to accelerate its growth and revenue milestones while solidifying and expanding its footprint in New York, San Francisco, and Dubai.

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