Behind the build with Abedalrhman Habashneh

Abedalrhman Habashneh is the founder and CEO of Decapolis, a Jordanian-based start-up that provides blockchain-driven traceability technology for the food industry.

🚀 What gets you up in the morning?

I rise each morning driven by a profound commitment to pursue my life goals, overcome challenges, and relish the journey towards success. My motivation extends beyond personal achievement to make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to the betterment of the environment. Embracing this purpose fuels my daily enthusiasm and propels me forward with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

💼 Leadership advice you wish you had known sooner?                             

One valuable leadership insight I wish I had known earlier is the importance of prioritizing the right decision over the safe one. Often, the optimal choice may not align with the popular or comfortable route, and it requires the courage to diverge from the expected path. It's crucial to recognize that not everyone may appreciate or comprehend the comprehensive perspective you bring to the decision-making process. Colleagues may resist or oppose decisions that challenge the status quo because they may not fully grasp the multifaceted considerations involved. Learning to navigate such situations with conviction and clarity, even when faced with resistance, is a key aspect of effective leadership.

🌟 What's been your most rewarding career moment to date?

One of the most rewarding moments in my career has been the collective achievement of our team, where we successfully impacted small-hold farms, contributing to the World Food Program's mission of achieving zero hunger. Through our last pilot project, we were able to significantly enhance their ability to produce safe food, resulting in a 99.9% success rate. Witnessing the positive transformation in the lives of these farmers, as their income increased and overall well-being improved, has been incredibly fulfilling.

🏔️ And the most challenging?

However, like any journey, challenges arise. A significant hurdle we're currently navigating is a partnership with a publicly traded company. While working towards shared goals, we encountered difficulties stemming from a lack of transparency and a values misalignment. This partner's focus on short-term profit without a genuine vision, combined with ethical concerns, has posed a real challenge to our innovative growth. It's a situation we're actively addressing to ensure the continued positive trajectory of our initiatives.

🔍 What's a startup trend you're keeping an eye on?

I'm closely watching the emerging trends in Agritech, Foodtech, and environmental technologies. To me, these areas form an interconnected circle, each complementing the other. It's not just about the latest gadgets or conveniences; it's about addressing fundamental needs.

In my view, the core essentials are safe and quality food for everyone and a commitment to fostering a clean and healthy environment. While other technologies may enhance our lives in various ways, the primary focus remains ensuring widespread access to secure food and creating a sustainable and healthy living environment. These trends are not just about innovation for the sake of it; they're about meeting the critical and foundational requirements for a better quality of life globally.

👶 As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

As a child, I had grand visions of becoming a doctor, engineer, or pilot – the typical paths that seemed to promise a secure job and a good income. However, as I ventured into my teenage years, I discovered a profound passion for voluntary work and helping others.

Over the years, I immersed myself in diverse volunteering activities, ranging from painting streets to teaching and even crafting initiatives for growth strategies and mentoring startups etc. The beauty of voluntary work lies in its transformative impact on both personal development and the lives of those you touch. It became a journey of skill enhancement and motivation to create lasting positive change.

This love for volunteerism has become a guiding principle in my life. I've realized that whatever business I pursue must have a meaningful impact on people's lives. So, every morning, I wake up driven by both my business goals and the desire to make a tangible difference through my volunteer work. It's the perfect blend of passion and purpose that propels me forward each day.

😅 Go-to activity to decompress?

To decompress, my go-to activities are meditation, prayer (reading the Quran), and engaging in voluntary work. These practices help me find inner peace and a sense of purpose.

📚 A book that stopped you in your tracks?

The Secret Book

🎧 Favourite podcast?

Finjan podcast also I like to listen to short videos and advice from GRIM HUSTLE

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