Behind The Build with Mohammed Alnobani (The Middle Frame)

Mohammad Alnobani, is the co-founder and CEO of The Middle Frame, a Palestinian start-up that addresses the scarcity of diverse and authentic Arab images for media outlets, offering a solution by connecting them with a community of photographers in the MENA region.

By facilitating instant on-the-ground coverage and empowering photographers, the platform aims to transform the representation of Arab culture in visual storytelling, fostering a more nuanced and inclusive narrative.

⏪ Backstory?

Before starting The Middle Frame with the team, I lived in 5 different countries, got a degree in Luxury Brand Management from Regent’s University - London, and then started working in marketing and advertising in Qatar.

I am originally from Jerusalem, lived there for the past 4 years where I started a digital marketing agency with my brother during Covid. Today I find myself between countries, I have some of my clothes in Jerusalem, some in Jordan, and some in Egypt!

🚀 What gets you up in the morning?

The first cup of coffee! Jokes aside, I love the vision we are following at The Middle Frame, which is breaking stereotypes about the Arab world. This vision holds a special place in my heart, not only for work, but also on a personal level.

I always look forward to share more and to tell people more about where I come from, the Arab cultures I got to know during my travels, and how diverse we are.

💼 Leadership advice you wish you had known sooner?                             

Be yourself, especially after working with directors and managers throughout my career. Sometimes you notice yourself copying their management style, I started recently counting to 10 not only before speaking, but also before taking a decision, making sure that I truly believe in it on the inside.

🌟 What's been your most rewarding career moment to date?

Launching the advertising agency with my brother was a success I always remember, it was COVID, we had nothing except our laptops at home, freelancing left and right to make ends meet, then we came together to launch a boutique agency that served tens of clients within the first year.

As for my story with The Middle Frame, being recognized in the entrepreneurial community in Palestine was something that I cared a lot about. Not only for my own success, because I believe there is always more room for success, but to be able to share my stories with others was the highlight of my career.

🏔️ And the most challenging?

Facing the fact that you are running a startup in its early stages, and going through a tough fundraising process, that makes you question if your startup will survive, having the tough conversations with your team, and making sure that you will stick together through the roughest times.

I was told in the beginning, don’t be surprised as a startup founder, if you survive the first year eating cups of noodles and having sleepless nights (the guy was American so I guess noodles is our version of Falafel being the cheapest meal and the only meal you could afford), I didn’t really believe it, I am too optimistic when I have that entrepreneurial rush, especially back then we had received our first investment, and it felt like we are unbreakable!

But a year later facing fundraising challenges, I did find myself looking at my bank account and remembering that moment!

🔍 What's a startup trend you're keeping an eye on?

I honestly don’t know if this is a trend or not, but I am hopeful that we will start seeing industries that are not being highlighted enough such as media and creative industries to be covered more in the startup ecosystem.

On the other hand, I am always interested in Generative AI and conscious entrepreneurship, in fact, to bring both together, I enjoy reading articles about the lawsuits in the space, I do believe data owners have the right to benefit from their data being used in generative AI. For example, if we look at The Middle Frame, who we hope will launch a generative tool in the future for the Arab region (considering the bias in other tools), we will make sure to reward the photographers and data contributors in return, it seems only fair, and of course ethical!

👶 As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Awesome question, I went from wanting to be a lawyer (my grandfather told me I will make a good judge one day), to wanting to become an Architect, because I had passion for the artistic side of things. But eventually, I took one marketing course during the summer while doing my bachelor’s degree in Birzeit University, and I fell in love!

😅 Go-to activity to decompress?

When I feel like I want to be with myself, I choose to walk in an area I am comfortable with, randomly stop somewhere for coffee, and get back to “reality” after.

Although I am not into sports myself, but I love it when a friend pulls me to go for a one-day activity! (I don’t think any of my friends know that but love when it randomly happens).

📚 A book that stopped you in your tracks?

I know perhaps I should talk about a book under entrepreneurship, business…etc. But to be honest, I get bored reading the first 3 pages. Holding a book should take me on a journey, and the one that most certainly did was Harry Potter, I just love it, love the fact that it holds place in a world we don’t know.

When life is too stressful, I feel like you need that escape sometimes.

🎧 Favourite podcast?

I wasn’t a big fan of podcast at first, but recently, I discovered a podcast called Warsheh, a Jordanian Podcast, I love it when the topics covered do not tell the typical story, bringing people in with real stories from the region we live in. Perhaps because I feel it belongs to the same personal cause, breaking stereotypes about the Arab world by sharing diverse stories.

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